Article 2119

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Ageeva Elena Aleksandrovna, Candidate of juridical sciences, associate professor, head of the sub-department of state law disciplines, Saint-Petersburg State Agrarian University (2 Peterburgskoye highway, Pushkin, Russia), E-mail: 

Index UDK





Background. The study of foreign experience plays an important role for the Russian Federation, especially when it comes to the oldest judicial body – the US Supreme Court, which occupies an important place in the constitutional legal system of the United States and plays a significant role in its political life. Questions of the personal factor in the functioning of the Supreme Court of the United States occupy an important place, and the subjective opinion of a judge has a more serious impact on the top of the judicial system than on its other levels, having a special impact on public and state affairs. The purpose of the study is to identify the role of the personality factor in the activities of the US Supreme Court in the 40s and 60s. twentieth century.
Materials and methods. The objectives of the study were achieved on the basis of an analysis of the personality factor in the activities of the US Supreme Court, as well as its main court decisions. The methodological basis is presented by comparative legal and historical-legal methods, which allowed to express the views of the author and achieve the goal of the study.
Results. The features of the staff of the US Supreme Court in the mid-twentieth century are considered. The influence of ideological attitudes, professional experience, leadership and other qualities, as the President of the court and its ordinary members.
Conclusions. Filling recurring vacancies in the Supreme Court is a complex political process, to which the US ruling circles attach great importance, since their task is to ensure not only functional fitness, but reliable class political composition of judges. In the history of the US Supreme Court there were different judicial structures, which in various ways influenced his work. 

Key words

US Supreme Court, Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court, Warren Court, judges of the US Supreme Court, subjective factor, professional experience 

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Дата создания: 27.06.2019 09:11
Дата обновления: 27.06.2019 09:51